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AAW PugliaExperience 2011 - international workshop for screenwriters

Apulia Film Commission is pleased to present the publication of Apulia Audiovisual Workshop - Pugliexperience 2011 selection call, an international workshop in scriptwriting addressed to 16 scriptwriters from Euro-Mediterranean area.

The call to participate in the third edition of Apulia Audiovisual Workshop PugliaExperience 2011 is now online. PugliaExperience 2011 is a travelling scriptwriting workshop organised by Apulia Film Commission, promoted by Puglia Region and funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF Puglia 2007 - 2013, Axis IV).

The third edition of the workshop is addressed to scriptwriters between 18 and 35 years from Euro-Mediterranean countries. Its aim is to attract professionals in audiovisual narration to our territory and to inspire scripts set in Puglia through the discovery of the region, its places and people.

Held by Amedeo D’Adamo, scriptwriter and independent director and founder of the Los Angeles Film School, and assisted by the producer Nevina Satta, the workshop is structured in 104 hours frontal lesson focused on the American technique script&pitch and in an individual module which will permit participants to draft and develop stories to submit at the end of it.
The workshop is completely free and entirely held in English.

Six location scouting days throughout the most charming places of the region will enrich the didactic program. The aim is to let participants develop new subjects inspired by the places, events, history and people.

The workshop will conclude with individual sessions of pitching where each of the sixteen participants will meet international film producers coming to Puglia for the second edition of the Mediterranean Co-Production Forum.

The Forum aims to promote the exchange and the creation of partnerships between production service companies, financers, market advisers and distributors. It will end with the analysis of ten film projects (pre-selected during the forum) searching for producers interested in activating co-productions in the Euro-Mediterranean area.

Apulia Film Commission will conclude with the selection of one of the stories created by participants during PugliaExperience. It will offer a 10.000 euros contract to the development of a script.

The call is available on the website www.apuliafilmcommission.it

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